
Theology against Religion: Constructive Dialogues with Bonhoeffer and Barth is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book asks the question “what is religion?” from a theological perspective. In an age in which religion has reasserted itself on national and international stages, Theology against Religion argues that we should take seriously the critique of religion, and engage with that critique theologically. The book argues that theologizing the critique of religion was central to the theological...

human being, a real human being like us.… God did not become an idea, a principle, a universally valid belief or a law; God became human.43 It is the very revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ which is the basis for a rejection of any individual political system as the godly one (democracy as much as theocracy); it is not an assent to a liberal category to which all else must be subjugated, a category which thereby reduces particularist intensity. The outworking of this concern for particularity
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